

Wiza is an asynchronous plug in once and get all payment methods. Wiza allows businesses to reduce the number of efforts required to incorporate multiple payment methods into their business by integrating with one single API. All the settlements are executed by the payment processors within 24 hours time and the money is credited straight to the merchant account, giving the businesses the ability to plan the next day operations.


The sandbox and production systems are accessed through the same host. To send requests to a production system use production token and to user sandbox system use sandbox token.

The Wiza host name is



Businesses simplicity and security is our primary goals and that's why https connections and bearer API Token are essential and mandatory through every single connection. Every single business transaction requires a valid header Authorization parameter.

Authorization: <some-token-generated-at-merchant-portal>


To tighten even more the security in the response callback to your system we included a signature header which is constructed using a Signature Token that only the merchant has access and can be generated at the merchant portal tokens management page. The signature is created (signature token and raw payload body encoded) as per the secure algorithm below and should match the one sent by Wiza.

HexEncode(HMAC-SHA-256(Signature Token, raw HTTP body))


Request a Payment

curl -XPOST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJtZXJjaGFudF9pZCI6IjE3ZDI5ZDZiLWNhNjUtNDc1Ni1hM2UzLTQzOTY0NjI4MWQ5YSIsInRva2VuX2lkIjoiYjc2MWE3ZDYtMmQxNy00OTczLTg5NGYtZTM4ODVlYWYwNzU1IiwidHlwZSI6InBheW1lbnQiLCJleHAiOjE3MjI0NzAzNDB9.o_3z0dqXrk8f68rPeGieeMNpksSpvwSbLYmKDETa4vs" \
-d '{
        "amount": "123.45",
        "currency": "aoa",
        "reference_id": "123456789",
        "success_url": "https://where-to-redirect-in-case-of-success",
        "failure_url": "https://where-to-redirect-in-case-of-failure",
        "callback_url": "https://send-response-here-when-is-completed"

HTTP Request



Key Value Description
Content-Type application/json The content type expected
Accept application/json The format type expected by the server
Authorization authorization-token The bearer authorization token


Name Type Required Type Description
amount string yes payment The amount that is required for the transaction.
currency string yes payment The transaction currency
customer string yes payment The customer cellphone or other identification required to request a payment.
parent_payment_id string yes refund The parent payment transaction ID the merchant wishes to refund.
reference_id string yes both The merchant transaction request unique id.
success_url string no payment Wiza APG hosted age is going to redirect to this url after 5 seconds of successful page is presented. The callback to your backend will be fired nevertheless.
failure_url string no payment Wiza APG hosted age is going to redirect to this url after a failure and the payment process is canceled. The callback to your backend will be fired nevertheless.
callback_url string yes both Wiza APG will call it back as soon the request is completed (accepted or rejected) and will send a (POST) and will stop if get any 2xx status response.


Status Meaning Description
303 See Other (The payment request was accepted by wiza hosted gateway for processing and you can open the link provided at header location.
4xx or 5xx Error Check the error table below



Example of user process

  1. Select payment methods

  1. Input phone number

  1. Wait while it processes

  1. Finished payment (at this stage the system calls back merchant callback)

When user and the payment processor finishes processing Wiza will call back the provided URL at (callback_url) with the payload at the confirm the payment section

Confirm the Payment

curl -XPOST "https://merchant-provided-payment-callback-url" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "signature: aoiufsd98f7sdfkjshdf87d6fsdjhgdu6fd90fdf0988fgd" \
-d '{
        "id": "f3c6ff4c-3f05-4ce6-a253-28b871d682ab",,
        "currency": "aoa",
        "amount": "1000.54",
        "status": "accepted",
        "status_reason": "2000",
        "status_datetime": "2023-03-21T15:28:28.355Z",
        "currency": "aoa",
        "customer": "912123123",
        "reference_id": "123456789",
        "processor": "gpo"

HTTP Request

POST https://merchant-provided-payment-callback-url


Key Value Description
Content-Type application/json The content type expected
Accept application/json The format type expected by the server
signature aoiufsd98f7sdfkjshdf87d6fsdjhgdu6fd90fdf0988fgd The signature generated with signature token and raw payload


Name Type Description
id uuid Wiza transaction ID
amount string The transaction amount.
status string The transaction status which could be accepted or rejected
status_reason string The transaction status code reason why the transaction was rejected check table for more details.
status_datetime string The time in ISO that the transaction was finalized (accepted or rejected)
currency string The transaction currency.
customer string The customer cellphone or other identification used to confirm the payment
reference_id string The merchant transaction unique transaction id.
processor string The payment provider used by the customer.


This callback is a fire and forget. It is the merchant responsability to guarantee the proper endpoint that accepts the callback request

Status Meaning Description
2xx Success The callback was successfully accepted by the merchant system.
4xx or 5xx Failed The callback was not successful and Wiza may try again later


When using Wiza payments API with a sandbox token the payment scenarios uses a very specific phone numbers to simulate the successful and rejection transactions status.

The processes for callback, signature and any other requirement specified previously still apply just like it would when using production token.

Scenario Number Notes
Accepted 900000000 This scenario simulates a successful payment confirmation
Rejected 900002004 This scenario simulates a failed payment confirmation because user failed to accept within time limit.
Rejected 900003000 This scenario simulates a failed payment confirmation because user rejected it.
Rejected 9xxxxxxxx In case of the use of any other number this scenario would cover it and always respond with processor error 4000

Status Codes

Wiza API uses the following status codes:

Code Meaning
9000 Unknown Error / Erro Desconhecido
4004 Transaction Expired / Transacção Expirada
4003 Processor Unavailable / Processador Indisponível
4000 Processor Error / Erro no Processador
3006 Amount lower than minimum limit / Valor abaixo do liminte minimo
3005 Invalid PIN / PIN Inválido
3004 Invalid Confirmation / Confirmação Inválida
3003 Request Timed out / Tempo Expirado
3002 Rejected by the customer / Rejeitado pelo cliente
3001 Insufficient funds / Saldo insuficiente
3000 Invalid or disabled account / Conta inválida ou desactivada
2000 Successful / Sucesso